My Family
Hello! My name is Sarah. I am eight years old. I live in a small town with my family.
I have a mom, a dad, and a little brother named Jake. My mom's name is Lisa, and she works at a hospital. She helps sick people feel better. My dad, John, is a teacher. He teaches math at the local school.
Jake is three years old. He loves to play with toys and watch cartoons. We have a pet dog named Max. Max is a friendly and playful dog. He has brown fur and loves to go for walks in the park.
After school, I like to do my homework and then play with Jake and Max. Sometimes, we all go to the park together. It's a lot of fun!
On weekends, we often visit our grandparents. They live in a cozy house in the countryside. Grandma makes delicious cookies, and grandpa tells us funny stories.
I love my family. They are the best!
My Family Hello! My name is Sarah. I am eight years old. I live in a small town with my family. I have a mom, a dad, and a little brother named Jake. My mom's name is Lisa, and she works at a hospital. She helps sick people feel better. My dad, John, is a teacher. He teaches math at the local school. Jake is three years old. He loves to play with toys and watch cartoons. We have a pet dog named Max. Max is a friendly and playful dog. He has brown fur and loves to go for walks in the park. After school, I like to do my homework and then play with Jake and Max. Sometimes, we all go to the park together. It's a lot of fun! On weekends, we often visit our grandparents. They live in a cozy house in the countryside. Grandma makes delicious cookies, and grandpa tells us funny stories. I love my family. They are the best!
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الان يمكنكم متابعة منشورات الاستاذ عقبة بن نافع المتميزة على موقع اتيد دوك صفحة الاستاذ عقبة بن نافع - المنصة العلمية لطلبة البكالوريا -

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🏫مؤسسة التربية و التعليم الموفق الخاصة بالجلفة 🏫
حي البساتين بنات بن لكحل مجمع 110 عرش - الجلفة , Djelfa, Algeria

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📒📒 مذكرات لجميع المستويات الدراسية 📒📒


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كنز الكتب والمراجع الخاصة بطلاب البكالوريا

هنا ستجدون اقوى الكتب والمراجع الخاصة بتحضير الباكالوريا والتي اخترناها لكم في مختلف المواد نضرا لتزايد الطلب عليها من طرف الطلبة  . والتي يجب على الطالب ان يقراها ويطلع عليها ..

حمل الكنز

منشورات منوعة

سجل معنا في الموقع ليصلك كل جديد للمراجع والكتب والملخصات عن طريق الاشعارات