هذا تمرين حول ال DIRECT SPEECH
"I will meet you at the park tomorrow," she said.
"I can't believe I won the lottery!" she shouted with excitement.
"I have never been to Paris," she admitted.
"I finished reading the book last night," he mentioned.
She said, "I like chocolate ice cream."
"It's a beautiful day," they exclaimed.
"I don't want to go to the dentist," he complained.
"I am going to the market," she announced.
"I have finished my homework," she mentioned.
She said, "I completed my assignment yesterday."
"We will visit the museum next week," he announced.
"I have never seen such a beautiful sunset," she exclaimed.
"I had already eaten dinner when you called," he explained.
هذا تمرين حول ال DIRECT SPEECH "I will meet you at the park tomorrow," she said. "I can't believe I won the lottery!" she shouted with excitement. "I have never been to Paris," she admitted. "I finished reading the book last night," he mentioned. She said, "I like chocolate ice cream." "It's a beautiful day," they exclaimed. "I don't want to go to the dentist," he complained. "I am going to the market," she announced. "I have finished my homework," she mentioned. She said, "I completed my assignment yesterday." "We will visit the museum next week," he announced. "I have never seen such a beautiful sunset," she exclaimed. "I had already eaten dinner when you called," he explained.
أحببت هذا
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الان يمكنكم متابعة منشورات الاستاذ عقبة بن نافع المتميزة على موقع اتيد دوك صفحة الاستاذ عقبة بن نافع - المنصة العلمية لطلبة البكالوريا -

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حي البساتين بنات بن لكحل مجمع 110 عرش - الجلفة , Djelfa, Algeria

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كنز الكتب والمراجع الخاصة بطلاب البكالوريا

هنا ستجدون اقوى الكتب والمراجع الخاصة بتحضير الباكالوريا والتي اخترناها لكم في مختلف المواد نضرا لتزايد الطلب عليها من طرف الطلبة  . والتي يجب على الطالب ان يقراها ويطلع عليها ..

حمل الكنز

منشورات منوعة

سجل معنا في الموقع ليصلك كل جديد للمراجع والكتب والملخصات عن طريق الاشعارات