

- Active Voice (المبني للمعلوم):

Definition: The subject performs the action.
Structure: Subject + Verb + Object
Example: The chef cooks the meal.

The chef --- Subject
the meal---Object

- Passive Voice (المبني للمجهول):

Definition: The action is performed on the subject.
Structure: Object + Verb (to be + past participle) + (by Subject)
Example: The meal is cooked by the chef.

The meal-----Object
is--- Verb to be
cooked-----verb ( past participle )
the chef ------Subject

Key Changes from Active to Passive:

- Object of active sentence becomes the subject of the passive sentence.
Verb form changes to a form of "to be" + past participle.
-Subject of active sentence becomes optional or introduced by "by."

Active: The teacher explains the lesson.

Passive: The lesson is explained by the teacher.

Active: The cat chased the mouse.

Passive: The mouse was chased by the cat.
#BAC_Lessons ACTIVE AND PASSIVE VOICE - Active Voice (المبني للمعلوم): Definition: The subject performs the action. Structure: Subject + Verb + Object Example: The chef cooks the meal. The chef --- Subject cooks---Verb the meal---Object - Passive Voice (المبني للمجهول): Definition: The action is performed on the subject. Structure: Object + Verb (to be + past participle) + (by Subject) Example: The meal is cooked by the chef. The meal-----Object is--- Verb to be cooked-----verb ( past participle ) the chef ------Subject Key Changes from Active to Passive: - Object of active sentence becomes the subject of the passive sentence. Verb form changes to a form of "to be" + past participle. -Subject of active sentence becomes optional or introduced by "by." Examples: Active: The teacher explains the lesson. Passive: The lesson is explained by the teacher. Active: The cat chased the mouse. Passive: The mouse was chased by the cat.
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منشورات منوعة

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منشورات منوعة

الان يمكنكم متابعة منشورات الاستاذ عقبة بن نافع المتميزة على موقع اتيد دوك صفحة الاستاذ عقبة بن نافع - المنصة العلمية لطلبة البكالوريا -

للدخول انقر على الصورة

منشورات منوعة

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حي البساتين بنات بن لكحل مجمع 110 عرش - الجلفة , Djelfa, Algeria

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منشورات منوعة
كنز الكتب والمراجع الخاصة بطلاب البكالوريا

هنا ستجدون اقوى الكتب والمراجع الخاصة بتحضير الباكالوريا والتي اخترناها لكم في مختلف المواد نضرا لتزايد الطلب عليها من طرف الطلبة  . والتي يجب على الطالب ان يقراها ويطلع عليها ..

حمل الكنز

منشورات منوعة

سجل معنا في الموقع ليصلك كل جديد للمراجع والكتب والملخصات عن طريق الاشعارات