
Prefix . Root . Suffix

A set of letters added to the beginning of a word to modify its meaning.

The main part of a word that carries the core meaning.

A set of letters added to the end of a word to change its form or meaning.

some common English prefixes:
ad-anti-de-dis-en-em-ex-hyper-il-im-in-ir-inter-mis-pre-semi-super-un-under-non-co- con-

some common English suffixes:
-able-ible--ance-ence-al-ed-en-er -or-est-ful-ing-ion-tion-ation-ition-ity -ty-less-ness-s-es-ly-ive-ative-itive-ion-tion-ation-ition
#BAC_Lessons Prefix . Root . Suffix Prefix: A set of letters added to the beginning of a word to modify its meaning. Root: The main part of a word that carries the core meaning. Suffix: A set of letters added to the end of a word to change its form or meaning. some common English prefixes: ad-anti-de-dis-en-em-ex-hyper-il-im-in-ir-inter-mis-pre-semi-super-un-under-non-co- con- some common English suffixes: -able-ible--ance-ence-al-ed-en-er -or-est-ful-ing-ion-tion-ation-ition-ity -ty-less-ness-s-es-ly-ive-ative-itive-ion-tion-ation-ition
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