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    "Before you start producing a piece of writing ,you should know how to write a correct meaningful simple sentence ."

    "قبل أن تبدأ في كتابة فقرة، يجب أن تعرف كيفية كتابة جملة بسيطة صحيحة وذات معنى"

    Simple sentence :
    A simple sentence needs a subject (the person or thing doing the action) and a verb (the action or state of being).
    تحتاج إلى فاعل (الشخص أو الشيء الذي يقوم بالفعل) وفعل "

    Example: "The cat sleeps."

    subject : The cat.
    Verb : sleeps.

    Give me like ❤️ to Give More Free lessons . 📚📚 "Before you start producing a piece of writing ,you should know how to write a correct meaningful simple sentence ." "قبل أن تبدأ في كتابة فقرة، يجب أن تعرف كيفية كتابة جملة بسيطة صحيحة وذات معنى" Simple sentence : A simple sentence needs a subject (the person or thing doing the action) and a verb (the action or state of being). تحتاج إلى فاعل (الشخص أو الشيء الذي يقوم بالفعل) وفعل " Example: "The cat sleeps." subject : The cat. Verb : sleeps.
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  • رابط نتائج شهادة البكلوريا https://dzexam1.com/%D9%86%D8%AA%D8%A7%D8%A6%D8%AC-%D8%B4%D9%87%D8%A7%D8%AF%D8%A9-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A8%D9%83%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%88%D8%B1%D9%8A%D8%A7-2024/
    رابط نتائج شهادة البكلوريا https://dzexam1.com/%D9%86%D8%AA%D8%A7%D8%A6%D8%AC-%D8%B4%D9%87%D8%A7%D8%AF%D8%A9-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A8%D9%83%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%88%D8%B1%D9%8A%D8%A7-2024/
    نتائج شهادة التعليم الثانوي 2024
    نتائج شهادة البكالوريا 2024  يمكنك الاطلاع على نتائج شهادة البكالوريا  لسنة 2024 على الرابط السابق dz exam     bac.onec.dz
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  • #BAC_Lessons


    - Active Voice (المبني للمعلوم):

    Definition: The subject performs the action.
    Structure: Subject + Verb + Object
    Example: The chef cooks the meal.

    The chef --- Subject
    the meal---Object

    - Passive Voice (المبني للمجهول):

    Definition: The action is performed on the subject.
    Structure: Object + Verb (to be + past participle) + (by Subject)
    Example: The meal is cooked by the chef.

    The meal-----Object
    is--- Verb to be
    cooked-----verb ( past participle )
    the chef ------Subject

    Key Changes from Active to Passive:

    - Object of active sentence becomes the subject of the passive sentence.
    Verb form changes to a form of "to be" + past participle.
    -Subject of active sentence becomes optional or introduced by "by."

    Active: The teacher explains the lesson.

    Passive: The lesson is explained by the teacher.

    Active: The cat chased the mouse.

    Passive: The mouse was chased by the cat.
    #BAC_Lessons ACTIVE AND PASSIVE VOICE - Active Voice (المبني للمعلوم): Definition: The subject performs the action. Structure: Subject + Verb + Object Example: The chef cooks the meal. The chef --- Subject cooks---Verb the meal---Object - Passive Voice (المبني للمجهول): Definition: The action is performed on the subject. Structure: Object + Verb (to be + past participle) + (by Subject) Example: The meal is cooked by the chef. The meal-----Object is--- Verb to be cooked-----verb ( past participle ) the chef ------Subject Key Changes from Active to Passive: - Object of active sentence becomes the subject of the passive sentence. Verb form changes to a form of "to be" + past participle. -Subject of active sentence becomes optional or introduced by "by." Examples: Active: The teacher explains the lesson. Passive: The lesson is explained by the teacher. Active: The cat chased the mouse. Passive: The mouse was chased by the cat.
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  • #BAC_Lessons


    Direct Speech:

    Definition: Quoting someone's exact words. ( ""كلام شخص نفسه مع علامات التنصيص)
    Structure: Uses quotation marks. (نستخدم علامات التنصيص "")
    Example: She said, "I am happy."

    Indirect Speech:
    Definition: Paraphrasing someone's words. (اعادة صياغة كلام الشخص ولا نستخدم علامات التنصيص)
    Structure: No quotation marks, changes in pronouns and verb tenses. ( لا نستخدم علامات التنصيص ونغير في الضمائر وازمنة الافعال انظر في الاسفل كيف )
    Example: She said that she was happy.

    Key Changes from Direct to Indirect:

    "I" becomes "he/she."
    "we" becomes "they."

    Verb Tenses:
    Present becomes past.
    "am/is" becomes "was."
    "are" becomes "were."
    "will" becomes "would."

    Time/Place Words:
    "today" becomes "that day."
    "tomorrow" becomes "the next day."
    "yesterday" becomes "the day before."
    "here" becomes "there."

    Direct: "I will go to the market," he said.
    indirect: He said that he would go to the market.
    Direct: "I need help," she said.
    Indirect: She said that she needed help.
    #BAC_Lessons DIRECT AND INDIRECT SPEECH Direct Speech: Definition: Quoting someone's exact words. ( ""كلام شخص نفسه مع علامات التنصيص) Structure: Uses quotation marks. (نستخدم علامات التنصيص "") Example: She said, "I am happy." Indirect Speech: Definition: Paraphrasing someone's words. (اعادة صياغة كلام الشخص ولا نستخدم علامات التنصيص) Structure: No quotation marks, changes in pronouns and verb tenses. ( لا نستخدم علامات التنصيص ونغير في الضمائر وازمنة الافعال انظر في الاسفل كيف ) Example: She said that she was happy. Key Changes from Direct to Indirect: Pronouns: "I" becomes "he/she." "we" becomes "they." Verb Tenses: Present becomes past. "am/is" becomes "was." "are" becomes "were." "will" becomes "would." Time/Place Words: "today" becomes "that day." "tomorrow" becomes "the next day." "yesterday" becomes "the day before." "here" becomes "there." Examples: Direct: "I will go to the market," he said. indirect: He said that he would go to the market. Direct: "I need help," she said. Indirect: She said that she needed help.
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