• The Enchanted Forest

    In the heart of a dense forest, there lay a hidden glade where magic was said to dwell. Every full moon, whispers of a shimmering pond that granted wishes spread among the villagers. Sarah, a curious young girl, often heard these tales from her grandmother.

    One crisp autumn evening, under the light of the full moon, Sarah ventured into the forest. Armed with only a lantern and her grandmother's stories, she followed a narrow path lined with ancient trees. The air was thick with anticipation as she approached the glade.

    As Sarah reached the clearing, she gasped in awe. There before her was a pond, its surface reflecting the moonlight like a thousand tiny stars. Hesitant but hopeful, Sarah dipped her hand into the cool water and whispered her deepest wish.

    Suddenly, the forest around her shimmered with an ethereal glow. Leaves rustled softly, and a gentle breeze whispered through the branches. Sarah felt a sense of peace wash over her, as if the forest itself was embracing her dreams.

    With a heart full of gratitude, Sarah retraced her steps home. She knew that even if her wish didn't come true right away, the magic of that night would stay with her forever.
    The Enchanted Forest In the heart of a dense forest, there lay a hidden glade where magic was said to dwell. Every full moon, whispers of a shimmering pond that granted wishes spread among the villagers. Sarah, a curious young girl, often heard these tales from her grandmother. One crisp autumn evening, under the light of the full moon, Sarah ventured into the forest. Armed with only a lantern and her grandmother's stories, she followed a narrow path lined with ancient trees. The air was thick with anticipation as she approached the glade. As Sarah reached the clearing, she gasped in awe. There before her was a pond, its surface reflecting the moonlight like a thousand tiny stars. Hesitant but hopeful, Sarah dipped her hand into the cool water and whispered her deepest wish. Suddenly, the forest around her shimmered with an ethereal glow. Leaves rustled softly, and a gentle breeze whispered through the branches. Sarah felt a sense of peace wash over her, as if the forest itself was embracing her dreams. With a heart full of gratitude, Sarah retraced her steps home. She knew that even if her wish didn't come true right away, the magic of that night would stay with her forever.
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  • إعلان نتائج إمتحان شهادة التعليم المتوسط دورة 2024
    إعلان نتائج إمتحان شهادة التعليم المتوسط دورة 2024 https://bem.onec.dz https://awlya.education.gov.dz
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  • #BAC_Lessons


    Direct Speech:

    Definition: Quoting someone's exact words. ( ""كلام شخص نفسه مع علامات التنصيص)
    Structure: Uses quotation marks. (نستخدم علامات التنصيص "")
    Example: She said, "I am happy."

    Indirect Speech:
    Definition: Paraphrasing someone's words. (اعادة صياغة كلام الشخص ولا نستخدم علامات التنصيص)
    Structure: No quotation marks, changes in pronouns and verb tenses. ( لا نستخدم علامات التنصيص ونغير في الضمائر وازمنة الافعال انظر في الاسفل كيف )
    Example: She said that she was happy.

    Key Changes from Direct to Indirect:

    "I" becomes "he/she."
    "we" becomes "they."

    Verb Tenses:
    Present becomes past.
    "am/is" becomes "was."
    "are" becomes "were."
    "will" becomes "would."

    Time/Place Words:
    "today" becomes "that day."
    "tomorrow" becomes "the next day."
    "yesterday" becomes "the day before."
    "here" becomes "there."

    Direct: "I will go to the market," he said.
    indirect: He said that he would go to the market.
    Direct: "I need help," she said.
    Indirect: She said that she needed help.
    #BAC_Lessons DIRECT AND INDIRECT SPEECH Direct Speech: Definition: Quoting someone's exact words. ( ""كلام شخص نفسه مع علامات التنصيص) Structure: Uses quotation marks. (نستخدم علامات التنصيص "") Example: She said, "I am happy." Indirect Speech: Definition: Paraphrasing someone's words. (اعادة صياغة كلام الشخص ولا نستخدم علامات التنصيص) Structure: No quotation marks, changes in pronouns and verb tenses. ( لا نستخدم علامات التنصيص ونغير في الضمائر وازمنة الافعال انظر في الاسفل كيف ) Example: She said that she was happy. Key Changes from Direct to Indirect: Pronouns: "I" becomes "he/she." "we" becomes "they." Verb Tenses: Present becomes past. "am/is" becomes "was." "are" becomes "were." "will" becomes "would." Time/Place Words: "today" becomes "that day." "tomorrow" becomes "the next day." "yesterday" becomes "the day before." "here" becomes "there." Examples: Direct: "I will go to the market," he said. indirect: He said that he would go to the market. Direct: "I need help," she said. Indirect: She said that she needed help.
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  • بلاغ بخصوص مراجعة بيانات المسجلين في امتحاني #شهادة_التعليم_المتوسط و #شهادة_البكالوريا دورة 2024
    1. امتحان شهادة التعليم المتوسط: https://bem.onec.dz
    2. امتحان شهادة البكالوريا: https://bac.onec.dz
    3. فضاء الأولياء على الأرضية الرقمية لوزارة التربية الوطنية للمترشحين المتمدرسين: https://awlya.education.gov.dz
    بلاغ بخصوص مراجعة بيانات المسجلين في امتحاني #شهادة_التعليم_المتوسط و #شهادة_البكالوريا دورة 2024 1. امتحان شهادة التعليم المتوسط: https://bem.onec.dz 2. امتحان شهادة البكالوريا: https://bac.onec.dz 3. فضاء الأولياء على الأرضية الرقمية لوزارة التربية الوطنية للمترشحين المتمدرسين: https://awlya.education.gov.dz
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  • Title: My Day at the Park
    Yesterday was a beautiful day, so I decided to go to the park. The sun was shining, and the sky was blue. I wore my favorite yellow shirt and comfortable jeans.
    When I arrived at the park, I saw children playing on the swings and slides. Some were running around, laughing and having a great time. I found a nice spot on the grass and sat down to enjoy the peaceful surroundings.
    I brought a book with me, and I started reading. The birds were chirping, and I could hear the sound of leaves rustling in the wind. It was so relaxing.
    After a while, I took a walk around the park. I saw flowers of all colors and shapes. There were ducks swimming in the pond, and I watched them quacking and splashing in the water.
    As I walked, I met a friendly dog and its owner. We chatted for a bit, and I learned that the dog's name was Max. Max was playful and loved to fetch a tennis ball.
    I sat on a bench for a moment to rest and enjoy an ice cream cone. The ice cream was cold and delicious, a perfect treat on a warm day.
    Eventually, the sun started to set, and the sky turned shades of pink and orange. It was a beautiful sight. I felt grateful for the simple joys of a day at the park.
    As it got dark, I packed up my things and headed home. It had been a wonderful day, filled with sunshine, nature, and happy moments. I went to bed with a smile on my face, looking forward to more days like this.
    I hope you enjoyed this story! It's a great way to practice reading and learn new vocabulary. If you have any questions about the text or need further clarification, feel free to ask!
    Title: My Day at the Park Yesterday was a beautiful day, so I decided to go to the park. The sun was shining, and the sky was blue. I wore my favorite yellow shirt and comfortable jeans. When I arrived at the park, I saw children playing on the swings and slides. Some were running around, laughing and having a great time. I found a nice spot on the grass and sat down to enjoy the peaceful surroundings. I brought a book with me, and I started reading. The birds were chirping, and I could hear the sound of leaves rustling in the wind. It was so relaxing. After a while, I took a walk around the park. I saw flowers of all colors and shapes. There were ducks swimming in the pond, and I watched them quacking and splashing in the water. As I walked, I met a friendly dog and its owner. We chatted for a bit, and I learned that the dog's name was Max. Max was playful and loved to fetch a tennis ball. I sat on a bench for a moment to rest and enjoy an ice cream cone. The ice cream was cold and delicious, a perfect treat on a warm day. Eventually, the sun started to set, and the sky turned shades of pink and orange. It was a beautiful sight. I felt grateful for the simple joys of a day at the park. As it got dark, I packed up my things and headed home. It had been a wonderful day, filled with sunshine, nature, and happy moments. I went to bed with a smile on my face, looking forward to more days like this. I hope you enjoyed this story! It's a great way to practice reading and learn new vocabulary. If you have any questions about the text or need further clarification, feel free to ask!
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  • Title: My Day at the Park
    Hi, my name is Alex. Today, I want to tell you about my day at the park. It was a sunny day, and the sky was blue.
    In the morning, I woke up and had breakfast with my family. We had toast and jam. After that, I put on my favorite blue shirt and jeans.
    Then, we went to the park. There were many trees, flowers, and a big green lawn. I saw kids playing on the swings and slides. I joined them, and we had a lot of fun.
    I also brought my soccer ball, and we played a game. I kicked the ball and scored a goal! Everyone clapped, and it made me happy.
    Later, we had a picnic. I ate a sandwich, some fruit, and had a juice box. It was delicious! We sat on a blanket and enjoyed the sunshine.
    In the afternoon, we walked around the park. I saw ducks swimming in the pond. They quacked loudly, and it made me laugh. We took pictures to remember the day.
    As the sun started to set, we packed up and went home. I was tired but very happy. I had a great day at the park.
    I can't wait to go back again. Maybe next time, I'll bring my kite!
    Title: My Day at the Park Hi, my name is Alex. Today, I want to tell you about my day at the park. It was a sunny day, and the sky was blue. In the morning, I woke up and had breakfast with my family. We had toast and jam. After that, I put on my favorite blue shirt and jeans. Then, we went to the park. There were many trees, flowers, and a big green lawn. I saw kids playing on the swings and slides. I joined them, and we had a lot of fun. I also brought my soccer ball, and we played a game. I kicked the ball and scored a goal! Everyone clapped, and it made me happy. Later, we had a picnic. I ate a sandwich, some fruit, and had a juice box. It was delicious! We sat on a blanket and enjoyed the sunshine. In the afternoon, we walked around the park. I saw ducks swimming in the pond. They quacked loudly, and it made me laugh. We took pictures to remember the day. As the sun started to set, we packed up and went home. I was tired but very happy. I had a great day at the park. I can't wait to go back again. Maybe next time, I'll bring my kite!
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  • Title: Ancient Civilizations
    Long ago, there were remarkable civilizations that shaped the course of human history. One of these civilizations was ancient Egypt.
    Ancient Egypt:
    Located along the Nile River, the ancient Egyptians thrived for thousands of years. They built incredible structures like the pyramids and created a system of writing known as hieroglyphics. The pharaohs, or kings, ruled over this society, and the people believed in many gods and goddesses.
    Another significant ancient civilization was Mesopotamia.
    Situated between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, Mesopotamia was a cradle of civilization. The Sumerians, Akkadians, Babylonians, and Assyrians were among the great societies that flourished in this region. They developed the earliest known form of writing called cuneiform and built magnificent ziggurats, which were towering temples.
    These ancient civilizations laid the foundation for human culture, science, and governance. Exploring their achievements provides a fascinating glimpse into the rich tapestry of our collective past.
    As we learn about these ancient worlds, we uncover the mysteries that have shaped our modern existence.
    Title: Ancient Civilizations Long ago, there were remarkable civilizations that shaped the course of human history. One of these civilizations was ancient Egypt. Ancient Egypt: Located along the Nile River, the ancient Egyptians thrived for thousands of years. They built incredible structures like the pyramids and created a system of writing known as hieroglyphics. The pharaohs, or kings, ruled over this society, and the people believed in many gods and goddesses. Another significant ancient civilization was Mesopotamia. Mesopotamia: Situated between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, Mesopotamia was a cradle of civilization. The Sumerians, Akkadians, Babylonians, and Assyrians were among the great societies that flourished in this region. They developed the earliest known form of writing called cuneiform and built magnificent ziggurats, which were towering temples. These ancient civilizations laid the foundation for human culture, science, and governance. Exploring their achievements provides a fascinating glimpse into the rich tapestry of our collective past. As we learn about these ancient worlds, we uncover the mysteries that have shaped our modern existence.
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  • Title: Exploring Ancient Civilizations
    Welcome to the fascinating world of ancient civilizations! In our journey through time, we will discover the rich history and cultural achievements of societies that laid the foundation for human civilization.
    Mesopotamia: The Cradle of Civilization
    One of the earliest known civilizations emerged in Mesopotamia, the land between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. The Sumerians, Akkadians, Babylonians, and Assyrians thrived in this region, contributing to the development of writing, mathematics, and impressive architectural structures like the ziggurats.
    Egypt: The Gift of the Nile
    In ancient Egypt, the Nile River played a crucial role in the flourishing of a magnificent civilization. The Egyptians built the pyramids as tombs for their pharaohs, showcasing advanced engineering and architectural skills. The hieroglyphics on the walls of temples and tombs provide insights into their beliefs and daily life.
    Indus Valley: Mystery in Ruins
    The ancient Indus Valley Civilization, centered around present-day India and Pakistan, remains a mystery to historians. Sophisticated urban planning, advanced drainage systems, and intricate artifacts indicate a highly organized society. Deciphering their written script, however, continues to challenge researchers.
    Greece: Birthplace of Democracy and Philosophy
    Ancient Greece, with its city-states like Athens and Sparta, laid the groundwork for democracy and philosophy. Thinkers like Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle influenced Western thought, while the Olympic Games became a symbol of athletic prowess and competition.
    Rome: The Eternal City
    The Roman Empire, known for its engineering marvels and legal systems, expanded across Europe, Africa, and Asia. The Colosseum, Roman roads, and aqueducts are enduring symbols of their technological advancements. The legacy of Roman law continues to shape legal systems today.
    As we delve into the stories of these ancient civilizations, let's uncover the mysteries, marvel at their achievements, and appreciate the lasting impact they've had on the world. Join us on this educational journey through the sands of time!
    Title: Exploring Ancient Civilizations Welcome to the fascinating world of ancient civilizations! In our journey through time, we will discover the rich history and cultural achievements of societies that laid the foundation for human civilization. Mesopotamia: The Cradle of Civilization One of the earliest known civilizations emerged in Mesopotamia, the land between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. The Sumerians, Akkadians, Babylonians, and Assyrians thrived in this region, contributing to the development of writing, mathematics, and impressive architectural structures like the ziggurats. Egypt: The Gift of the Nile In ancient Egypt, the Nile River played a crucial role in the flourishing of a magnificent civilization. The Egyptians built the pyramids as tombs for their pharaohs, showcasing advanced engineering and architectural skills. The hieroglyphics on the walls of temples and tombs provide insights into their beliefs and daily life. Indus Valley: Mystery in Ruins The ancient Indus Valley Civilization, centered around present-day India and Pakistan, remains a mystery to historians. Sophisticated urban planning, advanced drainage systems, and intricate artifacts indicate a highly organized society. Deciphering their written script, however, continues to challenge researchers. Greece: Birthplace of Democracy and Philosophy Ancient Greece, with its city-states like Athens and Sparta, laid the groundwork for democracy and philosophy. Thinkers like Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle influenced Western thought, while the Olympic Games became a symbol of athletic prowess and competition. Rome: The Eternal City The Roman Empire, known for its engineering marvels and legal systems, expanded across Europe, Africa, and Asia. The Colosseum, Roman roads, and aqueducts are enduring symbols of their technological advancements. The legacy of Roman law continues to shape legal systems today. As we delve into the stories of these ancient civilizations, let's uncover the mysteries, marvel at their achievements, and appreciate the lasting impact they've had on the world. Join us on this educational journey through the sands of time!
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  • Title: Ancient Civilizations: Building the Foundations of Human History
    In the annals of time, ancient civilizations stand as monumental pillars that shaped the course of human history. From the mysterious pyramids of Egypt to the grandeur of the Roman Empire, these societies laid the groundwork for the world we know today.
    One of the earliest civilizations to emerge was the Mesopotamian civilization, situated between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. The Sumerians, Akkadians, Babylonians, and Assyrians thrived in this fertile land, leaving behind intricate cuneiform writings, awe-inspiring ziggurats, and a complex understanding of mathematics.
    In the Nile River valley, the ancient Egyptians built an empire that endured for millennia. Their awe-inspiring monuments, such as the Sphinx and the Great Pyramid of Giza, continue to captivate the imagination. The Egyptians excelled in medicine, architecture, and astronomy, leaving an indelible mark on the pages of history.
    The Indus Valley Civilization, nestled in present-day Pakistan and India, showcased remarkable urban planning and advanced drainage systems. Its cities, Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa, revealed a society with a keen eye for organization and aesthetics.
    Greece, the birthplace of democracy and philosophy, witnessed the rise of city-states like Athens and Sparta. The Greeks made significant contributions to art, literature, and science, leaving a lasting legacy that permeates Western culture.
    The Roman Empire, a juggernaut of military prowess and engineering marvels, spanned three continents. Its extensive road network, the Colosseum, and the aqueducts underscored Rome's influence on architecture and infrastructure.
    As we explore the annals of ancient civilizations, we uncover the origins of governance, technological innovation, and cultural achievements that continue to influence modern society. These ancient societies sowed the seeds of human progress, and their stories resonate through the corridors of time.
    Title: Ancient Civilizations: Building the Foundations of Human History In the annals of time, ancient civilizations stand as monumental pillars that shaped the course of human history. From the mysterious pyramids of Egypt to the grandeur of the Roman Empire, these societies laid the groundwork for the world we know today. One of the earliest civilizations to emerge was the Mesopotamian civilization, situated between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. The Sumerians, Akkadians, Babylonians, and Assyrians thrived in this fertile land, leaving behind intricate cuneiform writings, awe-inspiring ziggurats, and a complex understanding of mathematics. In the Nile River valley, the ancient Egyptians built an empire that endured for millennia. Their awe-inspiring monuments, such as the Sphinx and the Great Pyramid of Giza, continue to captivate the imagination. The Egyptians excelled in medicine, architecture, and astronomy, leaving an indelible mark on the pages of history. The Indus Valley Civilization, nestled in present-day Pakistan and India, showcased remarkable urban planning and advanced drainage systems. Its cities, Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa, revealed a society with a keen eye for organization and aesthetics. Greece, the birthplace of democracy and philosophy, witnessed the rise of city-states like Athens and Sparta. The Greeks made significant contributions to art, literature, and science, leaving a lasting legacy that permeates Western culture. The Roman Empire, a juggernaut of military prowess and engineering marvels, spanned three continents. Its extensive road network, the Colosseum, and the aqueducts underscored Rome's influence on architecture and infrastructure. As we explore the annals of ancient civilizations, we uncover the origins of governance, technological innovation, and cultural achievements that continue to influence modern society. These ancient societies sowed the seeds of human progress, and their stories resonate through the corridors of time.
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  • Title: Ancient Civilizations
    Long ago, on different continents, remarkable civilizations emerged. These societies built great cities, developed advanced technologies, and created rich cultures. Let's explore a few of these ancient wonders.
    1. Mesopotamia: The Cradle of Civilization
    Mesopotamia, located between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, is often called the "Cradle of Civilization." The Sumerians, Babylonians, and Assyrians thrived in this region. They invented the wheel, developed writing known as cuneiform, and built awe-inspiring ziggurats.
    2. Ancient Egypt: The Land of Pharaohs
    In the Nile River Valley, ancient Egyptians left an enduring legacy. They constructed grand pyramids as tombs for their pharaohs, developed a system of hieroglyphic writing, and excelled in mathematics and astronomy. The Sphinx and the Great Pyramid of Giza stand as testaments to their architectural prowess.
    3. Indus Valley Civilization: Mystery of the Subcontinent
    The Indus Valley Civilization, in present-day Pakistan and northwest India, flourished around 2600-1900 BCE. Remarkably well-planned cities like Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa showcased advanced urban planning, with efficient drainage systems and organized streets.
    4. Ancient China: The Birthplace of Silk and Confucianism
    China's ancient civilization, dating back thousands of years, contributed immensely to human history. The Chinese invented silk, gunpowder, and paper. Philosophies like Confucianism and Taoism shaped their society, emphasizing morality and harmony with nature.
    5. Ancient Greece: The Cradle of Democracy and Philosophy
    Ancient Greece is celebrated for its contributions to philosophy, democracy, and the arts. Philosophers like Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle pondered profound questions, while Athens pioneered the democratic system. The Olympic Games, a tradition dating back to ancient times, began in Olympia.
    6. Roman Empire: Engineering Marvels and Legal Systems
    The mighty Roman Empire left an indelible mark on history. Romans excelled in engineering with structures like the Colosseum and aqueducts. Their legal system, embodied in the Twelve Tables, laid the foundation for modern legal principles.
    Studying these ancient civilizations provides insights into the roots of human achievement and the foundations of modern societies. Each culture contributed unique advancements, leaving a lasting impact on the world we know today.
    Title: Ancient Civilizations Long ago, on different continents, remarkable civilizations emerged. These societies built great cities, developed advanced technologies, and created rich cultures. Let's explore a few of these ancient wonders. 1. Mesopotamia: The Cradle of Civilization Mesopotamia, located between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, is often called the "Cradle of Civilization." The Sumerians, Babylonians, and Assyrians thrived in this region. They invented the wheel, developed writing known as cuneiform, and built awe-inspiring ziggurats. 2. Ancient Egypt: The Land of Pharaohs In the Nile River Valley, ancient Egyptians left an enduring legacy. They constructed grand pyramids as tombs for their pharaohs, developed a system of hieroglyphic writing, and excelled in mathematics and astronomy. The Sphinx and the Great Pyramid of Giza stand as testaments to their architectural prowess. 3. Indus Valley Civilization: Mystery of the Subcontinent The Indus Valley Civilization, in present-day Pakistan and northwest India, flourished around 2600-1900 BCE. Remarkably well-planned cities like Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa showcased advanced urban planning, with efficient drainage systems and organized streets. 4. Ancient China: The Birthplace of Silk and Confucianism China's ancient civilization, dating back thousands of years, contributed immensely to human history. The Chinese invented silk, gunpowder, and paper. Philosophies like Confucianism and Taoism shaped their society, emphasizing morality and harmony with nature. 5. Ancient Greece: The Cradle of Democracy and Philosophy Ancient Greece is celebrated for its contributions to philosophy, democracy, and the arts. Philosophers like Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle pondered profound questions, while Athens pioneered the democratic system. The Olympic Games, a tradition dating back to ancient times, began in Olympia. 6. Roman Empire: Engineering Marvels and Legal Systems The mighty Roman Empire left an indelible mark on history. Romans excelled in engineering with structures like the Colosseum and aqueducts. Their legal system, embodied in the Twelve Tables, laid the foundation for modern legal principles. Studying these ancient civilizations provides insights into the roots of human achievement and the foundations of modern societies. Each culture contributed unique advancements, leaving a lasting impact on the world we know today.
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الصفحات المعززة
إعلان مُمول

يمكنكم الان تحميل تطبيقنا والاستفادة من العديد من المزايا

حملوا تطبيق ** اتيد دوك ** على جوجل بلاي بكل سهولة

إعلان مُمول

الان يمكنكم متابعة منشورات الاستاذ عقبة بن نافع المتميزة على موقع اتيد دوك صفحة الاستاذ عقبة بن نافع - المنصة العلمية لطلبة البكالوريا -

للدخول انقر على الصورة

دورات وحصص تعليمية بالفيديو